About Us
Since 2009 we have a track record of placing the best candidates with the best clients in the construction industry. Specifically focused on firms in the Intermountain.. We are passionate about sourcing and solving talent problems by finding the most qualified, experienced Project Managers, Estimators and Superintendents in a quick, efficient manner. EJS Group provides professional recruitment services to construction clients in Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Colorado, Utah, Arizona and New Mexico
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EJS Group places candidates. That is what we do!
Here is an example of our process:

Kip Gjerde
Kip is a P.E. and a native Montanan. Kip brings over 30 years of experience managing civil/hydraulic engineering analyses and studies for multipurpose water resources development in the western United States. He has a solid technical background developed from working on major and unique planning studies for proposed projects in the $50 million to $600 million range.

Chris Westerlund
Chris is passionate about the placement industry and strives to ensure that EJS Group is differentiated from other firms. He has developed EJS Group to be identified as The Recruiting Service and Executive Search firm to work with. Chris is active with his boys in youth sports; he enjoys coaching, golf and
spending time outside.